

Il segreto della felicità è la libertà. Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio. "- Tucidide. Θουκυδίδης, Thūkydídēs -Atene,ca. a.C. 460 a.C.- dopo il 440 a.C. -

4 aprile 2011

Ireland: Ireland hopes fifth bailout will end the years of corruption and greed
The Guardian
For more than two years, Ireland has been paralysed by a financial crisis, and this week submitted itself to a fifth bank bailout since 2008, a move that will lead to the nationalisation of all six Irish banks before a restructuring that will see four of them mothballed forever.

Global:Asia counts the cost of corruption
BBC (TI mention)

China:China takes dissident artist into custody
The New York Times

India:India’s costly culture of corruption
The Washington Post

Indonesia:Land corruption as bad as that in tax office: Lawmaker
The Jakarta Post

Kazakhstan:International monitors slam Kazakhstan's election won by incumbent with 95 per cent of vote
Canadian Press

Morocco:Morocco adopts anti-corruption plan: official
Agence France-Presse

Philippines:Philippines steps up anti-corruption drive
Financial Times

Blogs and opinion

UK:Good Act, deplorable guidance
Space for Transparency
